Come and join the leaders of our industry, colleagues and friends, at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in State College, PA, August 22 thru August 25, 2023, and catch up on the latest trends and regulatory changes concerning at-grade crossing safety. Industry leaders, as well as federal and state government officials, and others will conduct interactive presentations designed to prepare you to make the tough decisions based on the latest research and policies. Emerse yourself in a high-level learning environment geared towards participants from railroads, DOTs, support companies and others, and come away with the tools you need to improve at-grade crossing safety.

During your down time, we will provide transportation into State College. Experience one of the great college town atmospheres as you shop, eat at the local restaurants, and visit the world-famous Penn State Creamery for some of the best ice cream you could hope to enjoy. There will be a Spouse’s Day designed to pamper your significant other at a local salt spa, followed by lunch at a local winery. Your spouse will finish the day off with a visit to the Creamery and some downtown shopping.

If you wish, you/your company may sponsor a session or event. Exhibitors are encouraged to actively be a part of the event. You may attend all sessions as the exhibit areas will be closed during active sessions.

The Executive/Planning Committees of the Eastern Crossing Seminar look forward to renewing old friendships and establishing new.

See you in August!

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